Tumbleweed Trails
Thursday, February 2, 2012
After the Meltdown With Blogger and Life (see prior post)
I may work on trying to retrieve the rest of my lost links and all, and work on getting back the LOOK of my blog in the near future. For now though I will leave it be as the last thing I need is to lose everything once more and possibly permanently.
I am unsure as to how I managed to retrieve what I have already...I just kept changing things messing with settings and trying to get blogger to recognize the HTML tat blogger no longer wanted to recognize. Something worked...but I may never know what. Honestly, it doesn't matter what worked it only matters that it did.
Thank you to everyone who visits my blog and for your support in everything. I am so glad all was not lost and I recovered most of my links. As many people know it is the connections with the people behind those links and their blogs that have played a HUGE HUGE role in my staying sane and strong as I've dealt with all of the medical conditions and fought blindness. I was so crushed when I lost those as they have been my foundation through so much.
The blogger storm from yesterday has blown over and I will continue to weather the medical storm as strong as I have over the past years. It will be so much easier now that I know my links to that and those that have given me my strength are back.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The Problem With Blogger and Life as I Know it...
I am beyond devastated as I had five years worth of "blogging" and links saved on my blog and it's as gone as gone can be. I can begin "re-building" my blog, but there were so my links and lists I had compiled over the years that I have no idea how I will ever begin to find them all again to get back on my blog.I apologize to anyone visiting my blog right now and in the near future. My life is in shambles and has been for some time now…and this wasn’t needed on top of it all.
Please forgive the state that this blog is now in. Also forgive that my blog has been very very quiet for a year or two while I've dealt with all that life has dealt me and it ain't over yet. I honestly can’t handle or deal with this right now and for that I am truly sorry.Forgive the negativity in this post.
The past few years have been a living nightmare and have been a living HELL! I've kept it all mostly to myself...only sharing it with a few people that I know out in this ole world. I made the choice to keep things to myself as I am not the kind of person to neither feel sorry for myself, nor want others to feel sorry for me nor want any attention as such. So I've kept quiet and kept what's been happening with me basically to myself.
I would have continued to keep it all to myself had it not been for the problem with my blog now. To understand the devastation the "blog problem" has caused me is to understand what has been going on with me over the past few years.
I am legally blind and have been fighting complete blindness for a long time. Still fighting it today. I have spent the past five years going back and forth to Boston, MA from NE to receive medical care and try to save what sight I have left. I have been sleeping in airports a lot and eating with the homeless a lot while in Boston, MA to save on the expense of things and get the medical care I need.
This past year, within a six month period, I was also diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a Brain Aneurysm and a problem with my thyroid. I am now also on aggressive chemotherapy treatment and will be for at least one year. I lost my job over the past two years, have had a "grown son" lose his job and have to move back in with me, then he moved out after a year....and just one week ago my mother had to have a leg amputated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That brings us to this! I didn't need to lose my "blog" as such. I am truly just trying to survive and get through all that I need to get through…with no time or energy for blog problems this severe. Please accept my apology for the "flop" my blog has taken. If you know you had a link saved on my blog, please let me know so I can get it added back on.
I believe my plate is now full as the problem with blogger have just pushed me further than I care for.
One last thing: For two months now I have been faced with needing to move to Boston, MA for a year for the needed medical care. I have been dealing with doctors locally to get them to "co-manage" my care with the Boston doctors. So far I have managed to stay in NE and just go back and forth to Boston to my main treating doctors occasionally. It is not without problems though and the move to Boston, for a year is still something that may need to take place.
I will know more in the next couple of months. I think that pretty well explains what’s been happening with me and what is going to continue to happen for some time.Please know I don't want sympathy or anyone to feel sorry for me. I only shared all of this so everyone would finally know why my blog has been quiet and why my losing my blog "as I knew it" has had such a devastating impact on me.
I just wanted to finally give an explanation about things so everyone would understand my blog absence and why the problems today pushed me over the edge.. Just understand...that's all.
Wish me luck on repairing my blog.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
OWOH Winners Announced
Thank you to everyone who participated in the event and to those of you who visited my blog and left such kind comments. I appreciate those of you who decided to follow my blog, too.
As you all know I chose to reveal only part of the Grand Prize and keep the rest of it a surprise along with keeping the others a surprise as well.
In order to keep the winners in suspense *aren't I ornery* and surprise them there's still no more prize photos here! I love surprises and hope they do, too.
Grand Prize winner is: Leslie of "My Live and Times"
First Runner-up Winner is: Susan of "Pieces of Fate"
Second Runner-up Winner is: Kay Lynne of "Kay'z Qiltz"
Third Runner-up Winner is: Icela of "Icelas Fish Bowl of Tatting"
Once again, congratulations to all four winners. I will be contacting each of you through email to notify you of your win and to get your mailing address.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
One World One Heart 2011
(Welcome! I am participating in the One World One Heart event. The details for the One World One Heart event are below the following story written for this event.)
We vowed it would never happen! Swore it would never happen! Even pinky promised and sealed it with a kiss. We were destined for great things. We knew this. We knew we’d be going together and the time was drawing near. We even kept track of the time.
We even knew the signs to watch for:
Although procrastinators we were ready. We were! We just had one teeny tiny issue; the issue of not wanting to be first in line with all those eyes watching us as we boarded. We awoke one day, a day which promised to be long, sunny and warm. Wanting to enjoy the day that was ahead, and wanting to make the most out of one more day left in the place we would no longer call home, we headed to the edge of the land we walked upon to see the waves crash on the beach and to stare off into the horizon over the waters that would soon carry us to our new destination. The one that promised us our destiny of great things together. As we inched our way along the great outdoors and neared the edge of our land we giggled and skipped, sang and danced…
The rain came; the water rose;
and then we were there!
We looked up and out only to find that we had been left behind! All that planning and preparedness only to find ourselves.
We're sorry we forgot you!
Welcome to my blog. I started my blog about two years back and it has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful people from all over the world. I've made so many wonderful and long lasting friendships through blogging, and it's given me the opportunity to follow the art world and artists I love so much. I am quite a free-spirited individual with a love for so many things. Staying still and staying put are not things which come easily to me. Like that of a Gypsy restlessness prevails. Although my blog has remained quiet for the better part of it's life, things are slowing down for me and I forsee that this year will bring me more time to devote to it's coming back to life. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy this wonderful event.I appreciate your joining me in the fifth and final year of the One World One Heart event hosted by the wonderful, talented and amazing Lisa of A Whimsical Bohemian. I am thrilled to be participating in this years One World One Heart event which includes a spectacular array of blogs and bloggers. It promises to be a fun filled WORLDWIDE event where we can meet people, make new friends and strengthen the friendships we already have. For all of the details and to read more on this event please go HERE. This event will run from today January 30, 2011 until February 17, 2011. Participants are hosting giveaways for door prizes for stopping by their blogs so be sure and stop by.!
Before you run off, don't forget to read and sign up for my giveaway. I am giving away FOUR DOOR PRIZES during this event. There will be one grand prize and three runner up prizes given away. The Grand Prize will include a SURPRISE along with the following items pictured below. With Spring soon heading out way I've selected items in colors to help you think about Spring. There is a set of handmade cards, a decorative Tussie Mussie, a decorative Bonnet Ornament and a Bunny Gift Tag. The three runner up prizes will remain a surprise. If you like surprises and are interested in my giveaway items please sing up for the draw. Have fun during OWOH and Good Luck in the drawings.
Simple Rules:
1. Your ENTRY will be your COMMENT and needs to be left on THIS POST ONLY to be considered an entry for my giveaway.
1 1/2. Make sure you leave an email address or a way to contact you if you should win a prize.
2. You must have a BLOG to enter my giveaway.
3. You are allowed ONE entry only so please comment only ONCE on this post.
4. Entries for my giveaway will close at 11:59 p.m. (Central Time) Wed., February 16, 2011.
5. The winners of my prizes will be announced on my blog on Thursday, February 17, 2011. Winners will also receive an email from me to let them know they've won and to get their name and mailing address so I can send them their prize.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Choice is Yours
The choice is yours; will you stand strong or crawl?
At times the wind howls; whistlin’ through the cracks. The choice is yours; will you consider it noise to your ears or music to relax?
When times seem hard with days and nights long; relish in them, they’re what makes you strong.
The choice is yours no matter how rough. It’s truly these things that make one tough.
Will you cry in the rain and shiver in the wind?
Will you sing in the rain and dance with the wind?
The choice is yours!
byJody Sullivan

I'm broke but I'm happy
I'm poor but I'm kind
I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five
I feel drunk but I'm sober
I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm restless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is flicking a cigarette
And what it all comes down to
Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving the peace sign
I'm free but I'm focused
I'm green but I'm wise
I'm hard but I'm friendly baby
I'm sad but I'm laughing
I'm brave but I'm chickenshit
I'm sick but I'm pretty baby
And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is playing the piano
And what it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything's just fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is hailing a taxi cab
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I love having a reason for a great song and dance-
Who is Simon you ask? Well, I don't know, lol, but his wife says (in her blog post) it's his birthday and I am all for celebrating. lol Simon-Hope you enjoy the Beatles.
Enjoy the photo below. Penni used it to wish her DH a Happy Birthday and I borrowed it from her to share with all of you. Oh how that flamin' cake makes me smile.

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Monday, July 6, 2009
Incognito and "It's so Very Cheri"

I realize I've been incognito for quite some time and it appears I will remain that way for quite some time...like the end of August. I am looking forward to joining everyone back in blogland as I was having so much fun writing my posts and following my bloggy friends. Everyone should know by now that one of my passions is the arts. I am a huge fan of so many of the talented artists who bring us their spectacular art through such places as their blogs, and other websites. One day I really should post more about the artists and art groups I admire and follow almost hourly at times. lol I honestly can't thank them all enough for their spectacular work that brightens my days. Throughout my house are many pieces of their art and in so many different mediums. Sadly, I don't own near enough because my pocketbook isn't near as deep as my love for each piece that is made.
I was in the middle of some RAK's and PIF's when things became quiet around here. I haven't forgotten any of you who are participating with me, and I am working on all of that even though I'm quiet over here in blogland.
To all of my followers, thank you. It's genuinely appreciated that you began following. It would be great if you all continued following as I will be back in full force around the end of August as I mentioned earlier. There's so many plans I have for my blog and events I want to hold. June was my anticipated date for holding some events. They too will be held, but not until a later time.
To all of you a HUGE hello. I miss your blogs and posts and all. Following is so much fun. I hope your everyday is going great. As they say in the movies, "I'll be back." For now I focus on things here at the home front. I will be in state and out of state frequently over the next couple of months and just no time to focus on my blog and all. I will be thinking about you all and look forward to joining back up with you here in the bloggy world.
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Forgive Me, For I Know Not...
Like a flash, it's gone! Lost in the ol' cyber world once again. Naturally this shouldn't come as a surprise to many of you as you are well aware that I rarely know what it is I am doing. I'm like that, spontaneous, quick witted yet numb minded. Or is that dumb minded? Either way that's me and here is the result of it all. Notice anything different? Yeah, me too. I lost my background...my birdies flew the coup. I vaguely remember the sound of their wings as they rushed right past me for that great escape, and the last thing I remember is the butt chewing the gave me as they headed out the door. It sounded something like, "We told you we needed more millet and we didn't like the cuttlebones your hanging in our cage." All I could do was sit here, as a lost tail feather floated down landing in my lap, and cry out, pleading ever so loudly, "I'm sorry, please come back."
They never did come back yet, but they did leave behind a little memento or rather a reminder of their past presence. No not that silly, that they managed to hold 'till they got outdoors, at least I think they did as I haven't come across the white muck yet.
They left behind a picture of them in the form of a banner. Wasn't that nice! Personally I think it was left in order to taunt and tease me and be a constant reminder never to leave the dish of millet half empty.
(I swear I thought it was half full)!
To make up for the ever so present BLUE background that somehow took over I'd like to share two things.
First, a great video that I discovered while visiting one of my bloggy friends. I enjoyed listening to the music, but I must confess that I enjoyed watching the video the most.
Playing For Change | Song Around The World "Stand By Me" from Concord Music Group on Vimeo.
Second, I received an email from a new blogging friend letting me know she is holding a giveaway. What a sweet thing to do. I was elated that she emailed me and I'd like to spread that joy with the rest of you. Don't miss out on this ever so generous giveaway from Karen, of the Garden Chick. I know she'd love to have you stop by, say hello, and get signed up for her drawing.
Toodle-Loo! I'd love to tell you that I'm off to fix or replace my background, but that would be leaving you with false hope. I've got so many other things I must get accomplished. So for now, and for awhile, you are stuck with my lovely BLUE background.
Aren't I nice?
To make up for it just a tad more, here is a beautiful picture by a wonderful photographer, Silvie Ferizi. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Johanna Parker Designs

Johanna Parker, another one of my favorite artists, of Johanna Parker Designs, is celebrating her 111th blog post and honoring the collectors. of her art. I have never had the good fortune of purchasing one of her works of art, yet love it all tremendously. Last fall Johanna was featured in a couple of magazines and I looked high and low for those magazines where I am from and never could locate a single issue of either. I emailed Johanna asking which stores carried the magazines she was in and it happened to be a few days before I was to head, once again, to Boston, MA. So, guess where I found the magazines and scooped them up from? You got it, a bookstore in Boston, MA. I hit the ground running once I got off the plane and boarded the subway heading to the closest stop to a book store location I know well. Many of you are familiar with Johanna’s works of art. For those of you not yet familiar with it you are missing out on a lot. Each piece is a sight to behold. Johanna’s art can be found in many places, but it’s highly sought after and difficult to nab a piece before they are already sold. When you have a chance please go pay Johanna a visit on her blog. I know she'd love to have you.
Fantastic New Blog and Collage Camp - KC Willis

Friday, May 22, 2009
Pondering Mind - Tick Tock Tic Toc Ti......

If I did and accomplished those gad-zillions of things dancing and interweaving within my brain I would be very happy indeed. In my mind, I am many things and I accomplish a great deal. But in real life…uhg. My days go by to quickly, and I don’t accomplish squat…well, it sure doesn’t seem like squat when you have a list 10 miles long and only the first two are checked off. This is so NOT me, the gal in the picture has a smile on her face and lots of checks on her list.

I came to the conclusion yesterday that if I could be anything it would be one of a set of identical octuplets. Yes, I did say identical. That way there would be eight of me and each could set out on one of the many missions and tasks that lie ahead and get them done. Of course it wouldn’t hurt if each of me were also like an octopus with numerous arms so the multi-tasking we’re programmed to do would be even greater.

Now this ol’ world may not be prepared to handle a lot of me-z running around, but oh how I, myself, would love it indeed. Imagine if you wanted to be in 8 different countries (do we have 8)? I imagined it yesterday and came to the realization that had I been fortunate enough to be one of a set of identical octuplets each one could travel to a separate country and there “I” would be…in all of them at once. The same applies to doing things. I have so many different interests and things I want to do that once again if I were part of an identical set of “me-z” I could do many more of them and be oh so content.

I’ve never known what I wanted to be when I grew up…and trust me…I am now grown up…yet still don’t know. Not that it’s due to a lack of interest ‘cuz boy oh boy do I have interests. I want to be so many things and do so many more. Nothing famous or anything like that. They can take that job and $@#!* it.
I want to run a zoo, an aquarium, an orphanage (I’d love to be Mother Hubbard. No wait, wrong one, that’s the one who went to fetch a bone and there wasn’t one). I want to be the Ol’ Lady That Lived in a Shoe.

I want to be a marine biologist, an electrical engineer, a mechanical engineer, a mathematical engineer ( is there such a thing?), I’d love to be a physicist.

I would also like to be a paralegal ‘cuz I love law. I also love forensics and criminal justice as well. Oh wait, one more…I’d love to save the world. Several things always gets in the way of that though. Not rich enough, not smart enough and I for darn sure haven’t figured out how to save the world when I can’t even save myself from the world.
Yeah, you get the idea! Trust me my list doesn’t end there. The only thing I don’t want to be is a lady in a dress! No way, nope, not going to happen. I don’t want no dress or high heels slowing me down. Besides I need my ankles and I certainly don’t care for those breezes and drafts.

Did I mention I’d like to write a book, be in the X- games (on a motorcycle of course) and go in front of our legislatures and get someone to sponsor some legislation and get some d*!m laws changed?

Which brings me to another thought - split personalities or multiple ones as well. None evil or nothing like that all angelic and energetic, too. Now wouldn’t that be fun. We’d never be lonely or alone and we could play all kinds of games that take more than one player. I love games!
Monopoly anyone?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I'd Love a Gourdie-Do, How 'bout you?

Linda K., The Gourdqueen, is holding her very first Blog Giveaway. She's another artist who's work I have admired over the years. Her sculptures are incredible and to see a gallery of her work you can look here. She also sells her work on SpookyTime Jingles, with a very talented group of artists and on PFATT Marketplcae with another group of very talented artists. Please take a peek to see some fantastic art, meet the wonderful artist and have a chance at winning a great work of art.
Things have been quiet here at Tumbleweed Trails as things are slightly hectic with so much going on right now. But I wanted to THANK all of my followers for following by sharing another artist, her art and a spectacular giveaway. I can't think of a better way to honor Linda for her artwork than by sharing it here with all of you. Enjoy here gallery and Good Luck in the drawing where one very lucky individual will have their name drawn for a Gourdie-Do.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
It's All Good...

Deb of It's All Good is celebrating her 100th post and would like everyone to help her celebrate. not only is she celebrating, but she's got a couple of delightful handmade items up for prizes in a giveaway. Her celebration ends tomorrow so you'll want to head on over soon to join in on the great event. I know, I know, such short notice by lil ol' me. Always a day late and a dollar short. Hmm, well ok, lets make it many days late and lots of dollars short. That's what happens in a Tumbleweeds way of life, ya get hung up on fences on occasion or chased through a field by some crazed bull.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Peach Street Primitives 100th Post Celebration
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Seven Facts You Might Not Be Interested In
My Son Looked Like This:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Finally, I'm At It Again (long winded , too)

This is now CLOSED. Thanks to everyone who joined in.
Once again, it's time for me to do what I love, give some things away. I am participating in a Random Act of Kindness aka Pay It Forward event, but this time with a twist of my very own. Read carefully and completely, We will see who's paying attention when the comments roll in. lol
The first part of my event:
The first 5 (five) people to respond letting me know they'd like to participate AND letting me know they want to host an RAK/PIF of their very own by posting this on their blog will: Get something made by me.
This first part of the offer does have some limitations and restrictions, so please read carefully.
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2. What I make will be just for you.
3. It'll be done this year (2009).
4. I will not give you any idea what it will be. I will not give hints. It will be something handmade by me and will be a real tangible thing. It may very well be kooky or strange.
6. All you need to do, after you tell me you want to participate and host an event on your blog, is post this text, or similar text, on your blog and make 5 (five) things for the first 5 (five) folks who respond to your event.
7. I MUST have a way to contact you. Then after I contact you I will need you to provide me with your mailing address.
8. Please do not sign up for this first part if you don't plan on hosting an event of your own.
The Twist:
For the second part of my event anyone with an active blog can participate. I will be giving 10 (ten) other handmade items away (not counting the five above). Even those who are participating in the first part of my event can participate in this second part, too. It is very simple: if you want to sign up for part two all you need to do is leave a comment telling me three things. Your favorite color, favorite scent, and if you could be anywhere in the whole wide world where would it be? That's it, it's that simple...just tell me three things and have an active blog. This second part of my event will run until June 14th. You will need to sign up by 11:59 p.m. Names will be randomly drawn, and posted on my blog, by 9 a.m. Central time on June 16th as to who will be the lucky (or un-lucky) recipients of my ten "second part" gifts. I know that's a ways away, but necessary as I travel a lot and sometimes unexpectedly. Plus it keeps everyone on the edge of their chair for a loooonnnngggg time just dyng to know if they've won. Hee Hee, mean ain't I? What you will win is my little secret. If you are willing to chance that it just might be something you will like then join me in the fun and get your friends to join in as well. The winners will have 24 hours after their names are posted to email me with their mailing address. Mark your calenders and be sure to check back.
PLEASE NOTE: For the five joining in on the first part of the event, you DO NOT have to include this second part in your RAK/PIF event what so ever. This is just my own little twist to my event. When you post your RAK/PIF you will only need to include similar text to the first part of my event in your RAK/PIF. If you want to do more that's great. If you want to add twists of your own, that's great too. Most of all have fun. It's an amazing world out with a lot of amazing people and you just might be surprised who you meet.
Any questions at all about this event, or if it only seems as clear as mud, email me and I will respond the first chance I get and try to clarify things.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Squigglefly Blog Hop
Friday, March 27, 2009
Altered Art - Shop and Mini Interview
Kristin's posts are a pleasure to read. She also has a wonderful shop, with a splendid selection of unique altered art supplies and so much more, that is delightful to browse through and pick up some needed supplies.
In honor of some new paper cuts, for sale in her shop, Kristin is having a giveaway that ends Sunday, April 5th. I encourage you to pay a visit, look around and say hi to Kristen while your there. Oh, and don't forget while visiting to sign up for the giveaway. You'll be glad you did.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This is now CLOSED. Thanks to everyone who joined in.
I can hardly contain the excitement I feel right now. Finally, my chance to give some things away and I’m thrilled. I love having fun, and for me giving is just that, fun! Suzanne, over at Shabby Chicks, is having a Pay-It-Forward, and I was lucky enough to leave her 3rd comment. This is great as it allows me to give some things away while meeting new people, making new friends and staying in touch with friends I have now. It’s also exciting because I’ll be getting a handmade gift from Suzanne through her Pay-It-Forward event.
Here's how it works. The first three bloggers to leave a comment on this post will get a handmade gift from me, yours truly, some time this year! It could be anything, and at any time. That's part of the fun, it's just a little something in the mail from me to you, out of the blue.
Here is how you pay it forward: You, the lucky first three to comment, then post this on your blog so that three people can leave you a comment and in return you send them a handmade gift! Include a link back to me in the post. The gift needs to be handmade by you! The gift can be any price you want and has to be sent out some time this year! You might want to send it out earlier before you forget it completely, and because your recipient is probably anxiously awaiting it‘s arrival. Remember it is the thought that counts! When you receive your gift make sure you blog about it. Play nice. Who wants to pay it forward? Who will be the first three lucky bloggers to leave a comment and receive fabulous handmade gift from me? Have fun!
NOTE: This is to let you know that if you want to pay-it forward or participate in another fun giveaway down the road, and three comments have already been posted, go ahead and leave a comment anyway. If enough are interested I will be holding another fun event. For my first three people commenting, you do not have to add this to your pay-it-forward. This is just an extra fun thing I am wanting to do.